Goddess rising
a 3-Month 1:1 Astrology + Feminine Embodiment Coaching Journey Into
The Underworld of your psyche To Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Power.
Goddess Rising is for you if you desire to:
Explore and Experience the Many Facets of Your Personal Expression of the Divine Feminine Within You;
Understand your Unique Goddess Signature Blueprint & Learn To Embody Her In Your Everyday Life;
Discover Ancient Feminine Wisdom & Use The Power of Mythology To Awaken Dormant Feminine Archetypes Within You;
Clear Stagnant Energy That Prevents You From Stepping Into Your Most Magnetic and Radiant Goddess Self;
Reclaim Your Feminine Power So You Can Be An Embodiment Of Divine Feminine Love In This World In Service To The Goddess.
over 3 months You’ll receive:
5 virtual astrology reading sessions & recordings + 4 coaching sessions + unlimited voice note/whatsapp support for 3 months + feminine mystery teachings including mythology & astrology, plus mediations and journal prompts to heal even deeper and step into your magnetic goddess radiance!
how goddess rising works:
astrology readings
Receive 1x personalised entire Birth Chart Reading + 4x personalised Goddess Astrology Birth Chart Readings to discover your unique divine feminine blueprint.
feminine embodiment
These calls will help you integrate your astrological discoveries and connect deeper with your feminine essence and intuition through practices like movement, meditation, and self-reflection.
teaching videos + extra support
Each week you’ll receive support material including teaching videos, meditations and journal prompts to help you deepen and integrate all your astrological discoveries.
The Venus Cycle: The Feminine Mysteries
- Learn About Venus, The Venus Cycle & The Feminine’s Descent Into The Underworld To Rise In Her Power.
- Discover Which Part Of The Cycle You Were Born Under To Understand Your Unique Initiation Into The Divine Feminine Mysteries;
- Discover Your Unique Metagoddess Archetype Inc. Mythology & Tarot & How To Embody Her In Your Everyday Life
Journey With Lilith: Dark Feminine Reclamation
- Learn About Lilith & How She Holds The Key To Your Divine Feminine Power Which Has Been Repressed By Patriarchy;
- Discover Your Unique Lilith Expression & How She Interacts With Other Planets In Your Birth Chart;
- Remove Blocks & Stagnant Energy Within The Body To Allow Lilith To Express Fully So You Can Magnetise Your Desires With Ease.
Journey With Ceres: Sovereign Queen Crowning
- Learn About Ceres & How She Holds The Key To You Stepping Into Your Sovereign Queen Archetype;
- Maiden To Mother Archetypal Journey & Healing The Mother Wound;
- Discover Your Unique Ceres Expression & How She Interacts With Other Planets In Your Birth Chart;
- Remove Blocks & Stagnant Energy Within The Body To Allow Ceres To Express Fully So You Embody Your Sovereign Queen Archetype.
Journey With Eris: Warrior Goddess Of divine love & truth
- Learn About Eris & How She Holds The Key To Stepping Into Your Spiritual Warrior of Inner Peace and Divine Feminine Healing Energy;
- Heal Patriarchal Conditioning Regarding The Sister Wound;
- Discover Your Unique Eris Expression & How She Interacts With Other Planets In Your Birth Chart;
- Remove Blocks & Stagnant Energy Within The Body To Allow Eris To Express Fully So You Can Walk As An Embodiment Of Divine Love & Truth In Service To The Great Mother/Goddess.
here’s what you can expect by embodying your unique goddess essence:

Meet Your Sacred Space Holder & Cosmic Companion, Danielle Murnane…
Danielle views herself as a bridge between the non-physical and physical realms.
As a Trauma-Informed Feminine Embodiment Coach as well as an Intuitive Astrologer, she can effortlessly weave together spiritual insights with grounded practical advice that you can integrate into your everyday life.
Through 1:1 coaching, soul-inspired content and running monthly feminine empowerment events, Danielle has helped hundreds of women reclaim their true feminine power and align with their Divine Feminine Energy so they can live authentically with their soul’s truth and magnetise the life of their dreams.
“Danielle has a warm presence that is nurturing and intuitive. If you're seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to support you to embody your truth, I'd highly recommend working with Danielle”
- Jenna Ward | Founder - School of Embodied Arts
the exchange
5 x Personalised Astrology Birth Chart Readings + Recordings = $750 AUD
4 x Feminine Embodiment Coaching Calls + Personalised 1:1 Whatsapp Support for 3 Months = $1250 AUD
Teaching Videos, Meditations & Journal Prompts: $222 AUD
Total cost: $2222 AUD
Discounted Price (for a limited time only):
$600 aud (3x Monthly payments)
Option One
$1600 AUD
(Pay in full)
Option two
“the wild woman rises like a phoenix from the ashes of her life, to become the heroine of her own legend.”
— Shikoba
In order to accurately read your chart you will need to provide the following when booking a session:
Date Of Birth
Location Of Birth (City/Town)
Time Of Birth
Yes! Fill out the application form and select the option for a 30-minute complimentary discovery call. I’m happy to answer any questions :)
To sign up:
Click the apply for Goddess Rising button
Fill out the application form.
Make initial Payment ($600 AUD) or Full Payment ($1600 AUD) via Direct Debit or Credit Card.
Once payment is received, Danielle will reach out to you to book in your first call. All calls will be scheduled in mutual agreement by both parties.
The call schedule can be tailored to suit both parties and Danielle will do her best to work around the client’s availability and preference.
An example 3-month schedule will look like:
Week 1: 90-Min Introduction Call + Full Birth Chart Reading + Pre-recorded Teaching Video
Week 2: 60-Min Venus Cycle Astrology Reading
Week 3: 60-Min Feminine Embodiment Coaching Call
Week 4: Integration + Pre-recorded Teaching Video
Week 5: 60-Min Lilith Dark Feminine Astrology Reading
Week 6: 60-Min Feminine Embodiment Coaching Call
Week 7: Integration + Pre-recorded Teaching Video
Week 8: 60-Min Ceres Sovereign Queen Astrology Reading
Week 9: 60-Min Feminine Embodiment Coaching Call
Week 10: Integration + Pre-recorded Teaching Video
Week 11: 60-Min Eris Warrior Goddess of Divine Love & Truth Astrology Reading
Week 12: 60-Min Feminine Embodiment Coaching Call
Week 13: 30-Minute Closing Call + Next Steps, Reflection
Goddess Rising is perfect for people who understand and love astrology and those that are beginners.
Danielle will walk you through your chart making it easy to understand (even if you have no clue about astrology!).
Danielle will also provide pre-recorded teaching videos to help you understand the archetypes of each planet and astrological point that we work with in this container.
All astrology readings will be recorded and sent to you for you to have access to for the rest of your life. You’ll be able to contemplate these readings and return back to them whenever you feel necessary.
The literal translation of the word “embodiment” is to “inhabit” the body.
While yes, we are technically always in our bodies, energetically, we tend to check out a lot of the time due to our conditioning and the structure of our society.
Feminine Embodiment is a practice where you can learn (or remember) the subtle language of the body. It’s where you can return your energy down to your heart, to your hips and to your sacred womb and access your wisdom from within.
What can you gain from feminine embodiment?
• You can tune in to your own body’s wisdom for answers;
• You can connect to your intuition with ease;
• You don’t have to look outside yourself for solutions;
• You feel connected to your womb space;
• You can feel what is true and resonant for you;
• You are more connected to Earth and to your body’s natural cycles;
• You can feel more sensuality, love, pleasure, and bliss;
• You will unravel and uncover any repressed emotional energy in your body;
• You are liberated, expressive, and creative;
• You have a natural magnetism to you that attracts all that you desire in life;
• You feel grounded, anchored, and rooted in truth;
• You can trust yourself and others can trust you;
• Your words match your actions;
• You activate Divine Feminine Goddess Energy within you. -
Please thoroughly read through the website page, terms and conditions, and ask any questions BEFORE sending payment through and confirming your Goddess Rising 3-month package.
After payment has been received, there will be a 3-day cooling off period, in case you change your mind.
However, after these three days, no refunds will be issued.
Please refer to terms and conditions for more information.
Certified SOEA Feminine Embodiment Coach - SOEA
Women Circle Facilitator Training - Honouring Heart
50HR Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Breath Of Heart
Reiki Practitioner Level 2 - Om Reiki Healing Centre
Certified Trauma-Informed Coach - The Centre For Healing