only when we are in alignment with our soul purpose do we find true joy and inner peace
find your purpose: Astrology birth chart readings
have you ever asked yourself…
“what is my purpose?”
Many people today are confused by that question because of their upbringing, conditioning, and family and societal expectations.
While as children, we may know who we are and what we came here to do, we often get led astray as we become adults.
If we don’t do the work to understand ourselves at a deep core soul level, we can get stuck in careers that we hate, settle for unfulfilling or misaligned relationships and feel confused about what we truly want and desire, not knowing which step to take next in our lives…
this is where astrolOgy can help!
Believe it or not, you are here for a reason! Each of us came to this world with a unique purpose. Your Soul chose to be born at a particular time and place, based on what lessons it would like to learn.
You chose your parents, your upbringing, the lessons you want to learn and the unique gifts and skills that will lead you to success in all aspects of your life!
Your unique Astrological Birth Chart is a roadmap designed to help you access your Soul's original blueprint. It lays out your Soul’s intention for you in this lifetime and why you were designed exactly as you are, with all your quirks and nuances.
An Astrology Birth Chart Reading can help you know yourself at a deeper level, reveal untapped potentials and highlight what may be holding you back!
how does an astrological birth chart reading work?
In order to accurately read your chart you will need to provide the following when booking a session:
Date Of Birth
Location Of Birth (City/Town)
Time Of Birth
After booking a time slot, you will be allocated a 75-Minute 1:1 reading with Danielle Murnane.
Danielle will walk you through your chart making it easy to understand (even if you have no clue about astrology!).
She will make note of anything she finds significant in your chart and relay any intuitive downloads she receives from reading your chart.
She will focus on your Soul's Highest timeline and what obstacles you may have to deal with in order to reach the breakthrough!
The session will run more as a dialogue opposed to a lecture, so you'll be invited to ask and answer questions!
With that said, Danielle does not operate as a fortune teller and respects everyone's Free Will to choose their destiny.
She is happy to make suggestions based on your Birth Chart Reading as to what is best for your Soul's evolution, but at the end of the day, it is YOU who has to drive the steering wheel of your life!
topics that may come up in a reading.
discover your soul’s purpose.
unveil past life karma and patterns that need healing.
understand family dynamics and ancestral wounds.
intimate relationships: who is your ideal match? what lessons are you learning in love?
reveal hidden gifts and untapped potential.
highlight career paths that speak to your soul.
understand your money story and if you have money blocks.
Astrology is an art.
Every reading and every astrologer is unique.
so what makes danielle’s reading’s unique?
Danielle views herself as a bridge between the non-physical and physical realms.
As a Trauma-Informed Embodiment Coach as well as an Intuitive Astrologer, she can effortlessly weave together spiritual insights with grounded practical advice that you can integrate into your everyday life.
Danielle’s intention for her clients is to walk away from a session feeling validated in their truth, empowered and on purpose!
Nadee Guy
“My birth chart reading with Dani exceeded all expectations. I was curious about what I would learn about myself, but I didn’t expect to feel so deeply validated, encouraged in my vision for my work, and lit up by what I learned about my journey during this lifetime! Not only did Dani reveal insights into my chart that felt immediately resonant and true, but she pointed out themes that I had noticed emerging in my life, which only makes me want to dig into them more and really walk them out. It’s hard to explain… but I felt a deep, quiet truth about what was illuminated in our session. I feel even more confident about what is already on my heart, and even though we also talked about the challenges I’m likely to face, I feel supported by the cosmos in my life - even more than before. Dani held a beautiful space for my reading and I felt completely safe in speaking with her about the vulnerable aspects of my chart and life - as I always do, when I’m in Dani’s field.”
Book an appointment.
Choose a 75-minute time-slot that best suits your needs and preferences. Payments are to be made upfront. Appointments can be rescheduled 24 hours in advance of an appointment. All readings will be recorded so you can be sent a copy of the reading afterwards for your reference.
For an accurate reading, you’ll need to provide your Birth Date, Birth Place and Birth Time.
Before you book a birth chart reading, you may also like to consider your intentions for the reading - what information does your Soul seek?
Yes. The session will be recorded and you will receive a copy of the reading afterwards via email for your reference :)
Yes, all readings are done online, however, if you prefer a written reading (instead of an online call), please contact Danielle directly via info@daniellemurnane.com and arrangements can be made.
For the most accurate reading, a birth time is needed.
Your Rising Sign/Ascendant is a key aspect to your Birth Chart and that sign can changes quickly (every couple hours or so). If we don't know the ascending sign, we can’t make house-based interpretations as we don’t know what planets rule what houses and in which houses they reside.
My suggestion is to do everything you can to find out! Try to obtain birth records or ask your mum! Even if you can get a rough timing, that is better than nothing!
Alternatively, if you know how to use a pendulum, you could use that to narrow down the time.
Your Sun Sign is the date that you were born. Of course, if that is the only astrology you are aware of, it's not going to always resonate!
Imagine how many people on Earth were born on the same day as you... do you really believe they all have the same personality?
While people born on the same date may share certain similarities, astrology is WAY deeper than just your date of birth. That is why your time of birth and location of birth is just as important as the date you were born!
If you are sceptical, I would challenge you to book a session and see for yourself if you are not blown away by the accuracy of your complete birth chart interpreted.
Astrology is the oldest science there is. I've never encountered a Birth Chart that did not make sense.
Astrology is the original of the lot and the oldest science that exists to this date.
Human Design and Gene Keys are based on Astrology so without this key instrument, the two would not even exist.
The Astrological Birth Chart is multi-layered and carries many dimensions within its angles and degrees.
As a student of both Human Design and Gene Keys, I haven't found either to carry the depth that Astrology does.
Each to their own, but astrology in my opinion is King.